Pack ‘N’ Go Kitchen DIY Toy Stove Tutorial + Free SVG Cut Files


DIY Pack-n-go-Kitchen-free-cut-files

Paying It Forward

About a month ago, a fellow crafter in one of my favorite Silhouette Facebook groups posted a picture of a DIY toy stove she made with her Sil and some vinyl on the lid of a storage container. The container was filled with toy pots and pans, and play food. She said that she found the original idea on Pinterest, and made these containers last year to donate to a shelter for Christmas, and would be making them again this year.

Not only did I love this project idea (a toy with built-in storage is always a plus), I love that she donates them to families in need who cannot afford or don’t have space for a larger, fancy kitchen set. I was so inspired by this project and the spirit behind it that I got to work designing my own cut files with more realistic looking stove burners (Her DIY toy stove was adorable, but the burners were simple circles). Here’s what I came up with:


If you’ve browsed my shop, you probably know that I’m a big fan of freebies and share free SVG cutting files on the site every week. Given the charitable nature of this project, I had to add these files as free cut files and also shared them with the Facebook group so all the crafty gals (and guys) who wanted to make their own Pack ‘N’ Go Kitchen could have some awesome burners to use! It took me a little while to shop around and get all the materials needed to actually make this project but I finally finished it!

UPDATE: Since this DIY toy stove project has become so popular, I have added a Printable PDF version of the DIY toy stove top design, so if you don’t have a cutting machine you can still join in the fun! Just print the design on sticker paper and cut by hand or with an X-Acto!

Read on to see what I used and how I made it!

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Silhouette Cameo (this design includes free .studio cut files and SVG files. You’ll need Designer Edition to open the SVG files) or other craft cutting machine that accepts SVG files.
  • Pack ‘n’ Go Kitchen Toy Stove Free SVG Cutting Files
  • Paper trimmer, scissors / X-Acto knife
  • Scraper (or credit card/old gift card, popsicle stick) for burnishing
  • Ruler and pencil (for marking placements)
  • Transfer paper – I prefer clear when layering multiple colors of vinyl
  • Adhesive vinyl – I used Oracal 651 from Expressions Vinyl in the following colors:
    • Black
    • Grey
    • Ice Blue
    • Brilliant Blue


  • Storage Container – I used this Sterilite 16qt container with a flat lid, which at the time of this writing is $2.99 at Target, or $2.94 at Mills Fleet Farm (


      • Toy food – a bigger Pretend Play Food set like this could be split in half if you’re making multiple sets on a budget!

      q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07FMNLHD3&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=printcuttacre 20&language=en USir?t=printcuttacre 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07FMNLHD3

      • Toy Cookware set – This Step 2 Lifestyle Dining Room Pots & Pans set is $13.38 on Amazon at the time of this writing, but I have also seen it on sale for $7.99 at Target, so shop around! I like it because it includes a pot and pan plus dishes, cups, and flatware – so cute!

File Prep & Cutting Vinyl

For the 16qt storage container that I used, I kept all the shapes the same size they are in the file (finished burner size is about 4 ½”). I arranged the shapes like this to make the most use of my vinyl and to cut multiple colors simultaneously. If you are using a different size container and need to resize your shapes, make sure you have them all selected and resize them together so they are scaled proportionately. 

1-silhouette-studio-burner-layoutI used a paper cutter to cut the vinyl just big enough for my shapes and then placed each color on the cutting mat corresponding with the shape placement on the grid in Studio. Using the scraper tool, I rubbed the vinyl to make sure it was smooth on the mat.

I loaded the mat (press Load Cutting Mat on the machine) in my Cameo and did a test cut using the following cut settings (you can also see my cut settings in the above screenshot):

  • Standard Silhouette Ratchet blade set at: 2
    • Speed: 8
    • Thickness: 9

My test cut gave me a perfect kiss cut (only the vinyl is cut, not the paper backing), so I reloaded the mat and hit the “Send to Silhouette” button.

Then I arranged the stove burners and knob accents like this and sent them to cut.


I removed the vinyl strips from the cutting mat and used my paper cutter and scissors to cut off the unused ends – save those small vinyl scraps for nail decals or other smaller designs!

Starting at a corner, I weeded the design (carefully pulling up the excess vinyl / negative space that isn’t part of the design). There aren’t many small cavities in this design, so I didn’t need a hook or the usual weeding tools.



I used scissors and my X-Acto knife to cut each shape to separate them from one another.


Since there were so many pieces, I cut a larger piece of transfer tape and laid it sticky side up on my table. Then I placed each stove shape with vinyl side down on the transfer paper and pressed them flat with my fingers and then rubbed with the scraper tool (you can also use a credit card, popsicle stick etc.).


Then I cut the transfer tape to separate the shapes from each other so now I had individual vinyl decals ready for application. (Since there were so many shapes, I left the vinyl paper backing on until I was ready to apply each shape.)

Applying Vinyl

 Prep your surface by cleaning with warm water and soap and then wipe down with rubbing alcohol – this removes any dirt, dust, or oils from the surface, which helps the vinyl stick better. Since I was trying to conserve vinyl, I had to freehand align and place each shape onto my surface. I used a ruler and pencil to measure and mark the center points for the placement of each stove burner. 15-measure-and-mark-placement

If you aren’t too concerned with using up more vinyl and want to make things easier on yourself, you could use the registration mark method when prepping and cutting your files to more easily and accurately align the shapes when transferring and applying the vinyl.

Starting with the large black circles, I removed the vinyl paper backing and placed them over the center points I had marked. I folded the circle in half and aligned the middle of the circle with the center pencil mark to place it correctly.

Using the scraper, I rubbed the entire shape firmly to smooth and adhere the circle to the surface (this is called burnishing).


Starting at a corner of the transfer tape, I carefully started peeling it back flat onto itself. If the vinyl starts coming up with the tape, you can carefully lay it back down and burnish some more. You can also use the scraper to press the vinyl to the surface while peeling off the transfer tape.

Once the transfer tape is removed, use the scraper to burnish again and smooth out any air bubbles. Tip: To work out any air bubbles in the vinyl, gently rub with your scraper and push the bubble to the edge of the shape. If the bubble is stubborn, you can also use a pin to poke a small hole in the center and then use the scraper to smooth it out! Repeat these steps to apply all the black circles. 21-Apply-vinyl-circles

If your shapes lay over the bumpy “Sterilite” logo like mine did, just burnish it extra, it should stay down just fine!


Now you can apply the dark blue flame shapes by layering them over the black circles. If you kept the scale of the shapes in proportion, the blue flame shape should align pretty easily within the black circle. Repeat the steps above to burnish and remove transfer tape.


Next, apply the light blue flame shapes over the blue flames. They should also align pretty easily.


Now you’re ready to apply the grey burner grate shapes. Carefully align the center circle over the light blue flame, burnish, and remove transfer tape.


Finally, you can apply the knobs. I used the ruler and pencil again to mark placement. First apply the small black circles, and then place the grey knob accents – these were also easy to align.


All done! Fill up your Pack ‘N’ Go Kitchen Stove with toy cookware and play food, and you’re ready to pay it forward to a child in need!


Did you catch my 3-year-old daughter testing out my DIY toy stove? I may need to make another to donate if I can’t get this one away from her! Someone in the Facebook group mentioned that a version with a racetrack would be fun for toy cars, so I went ahead and made a cut file for that too – and a little town SVG set to boot!



I hope this project helps and inspires you! If you like it, go ahead and hit one of the Share buttons below! And if you make one of these, please post them on our Facebook page, or email them to me – I would love to see what everyone creates with these!

Much Love,


Affiliate Disclosure: I may be an affiliate for some products recommended in this post. This means that if you purchase items through my links I will earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products that I have personally used and enjoy and when you order through my link, it helps me continue to offer you lots of free SVG files, digital papers, scrapbook sketches, tutorials, and other freebies. Thank you in advance for your support!


79 thoughts on “Pack ‘N’ Go Kitchen DIY Toy Stove Tutorial + Free SVG Cut Files”

  1. Thank you so much. We have a new grand daughter & I think it will be nice to have this at our house on her visits. I also LOVE the idea of making one for a shelter/pediatric hospital/Christmas box. Super idea.

  2. I was looking for a way to make my little boys feel like they were cooking and I found this amazing project on this website. It is so much fun! You can cook with it or play pretend food in the kitchen, whatever you want. My kids love pretending that they are making breakfast and dinner for their family at home. This toy stove will be perfect to help teach them how to cook without having actual pots and pans around the house. Plus, it’s really easy to put together, which makes me happy because I’m not very handy when it comes time to build something new!

  3. They look amazing. I will be implementing it immediately for my daughter. The visuals are instructive and awesome. hand work is very nice. thanks for this great idea.

    • Hi Abigale,
      The total cost for putting together a box like this would vary depending on the items you are using. The 16qt container itself is currently $3 at Target, and the stove SVG design is free in my shop. The cost of vinyl will also depend on where you purchase vinyl, size, what brand, etc. The largest cost variation would be on the items you use to fill the box – this tutorial lists prices for the specific items shown at the time of writing (2015) but prices have likely changed a bit since then. You could also save costs if you’re making multiple boxes as you can find larger food sets and split them between 2 boxes, which would bring down the overall cost of each complete box. I hope this helps!

  4. What a wonderful idea! As a child from a very poor family, I would have been so delighted to have this to play with. Now I have a Cricut to cut with, and am always looking for ways to bless others with my creations. This will be one of them! Just thank you so much for your imagination and generosity. God bless.

  5. Thanks I love this idea. We do the Samaritans Purse and I was thing of doing this for one of my boxes and filling it with play food and kitchen wares.

  6. Love this! Just wanted to say I was able to find some toy pots and pan sets on Wish for only $4 to make it more affordable for those making to donate 😀

  7. Hey PCC, great article. I tried a different but similar project, but making the lunch box look like a microwave. That way, when my son takes out the food, it looks like he just heated it up!

  8. My little daughter would definitely love this. Thanks for the idea and the tutorial. You have saved me some money in buying kid’s toy. You have done a great job, keep it up 🙂

  9. Would you sell the vinyls? I don’t have a machine and I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to cut with an xacto with that great detail. I would gladly buy it from you and apply it to my own Tupperware. Such a great idea!!

    • Hi Jen,

      Thank you for your interest in this project! I do not sell physical items at this time, but since this post has been so popular, I have included a printable PDF version of the stovetop files so those without a cutting machine can print the designs on sticker paper. No need for intricate X-acto skills, you can just cut a simple circle around each Bruner shape!

  10. Thank you SO very much for this template!! I’ve been trying to come up way to make burners on my daughters homemade play kitchen. I bought peel n stick chalkboard paper hoping to figure a way to use that but didn’t have a clue where to start. Then I got my Silhouette and it sat in its box for almost 3 months because I was intimidated by it, lol. Then today I did my first painted canvas vinyl project and I was in LOVE! After pinning everything I could to do with my Silhouette I came across this! I was so thrilled that I instantly started working on it instead of going to bed. It’s now 1am EST and I got it finished and can’t wait to see what my daughter thinks in the morning. Now off to bed but tomorrow I am going to try to figure out how to create a stove face with clock and an oven “glass” for the front!

    • That is so awesome Tracy! I’m so glad you found the file and that it played a role in helping you get to know your new Sil! I’m sure your daughters face will light up when she sees it!! 😉

  11. What a fantastic idea!! I loveee the race car set with the little town pieces! I’d like to make this for my son, but I wonder if the real life application would be too messy? I just mean that I can imagine taking the set to a waiting room, and end up losing the favorite car or two. I suppose a limiting the items included and maybe a small inventory checklist would solve that problem!

    • When I bring a little “toy box” of toys on trips we go on with our 3-year old, I lay out all of the toys either before we leave the house or on a hotel bed and take a picture so that I can see each individual toy and know if I have them all. Before I had the idea for taking pictures of the toys, I would count each toy and write it down or email the number to myself so that I could always count the toys before leaving a destination. We’ve only misplaced one toy during the many trips we’ve taken! (And that’s because I’m pretty sure my son was playing with the flip top of a trashcan and put the toy in there, and I didn’t think to check the trash before emptying it)

    • Thanks Andrea! I know, those tiny matchbox cars are so easy to lose – at least this provides a container to keep them all in one place! A checklist or limiting to only a few is a great idea if you’re taking this to public places! And then you could always fill it up for trips to Grandma’s house or for something fun to do in hotel rooms when on vacation!

  12. This is great! Thanks for sharing 🙂 So, the FB group that you’ve mentioned in the article – is it open for new members? It sounds like a group that I’d love to join.


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