Have you ever tried using Cricut Infusible Ink on wood? Well, it’s Ellen here and I will show you how you can do that.
Today, I’m using the ‘Take Me to the Ocean’ SVG File and Infusible Ink Transfer Sheets.

After you’re happy with the size of your design and the color – load the sheet on a mat (color side up). It’s important to click the Mirror slider on each mat (especially when using text). DO NOT skip this step, or your text will read backward. When you’re ready, load the mat into the machine and cut out the illustration.
Be careful not to touch the Infusible Ink Transfer Sheets too much while weeding with your hand this can remove the ink from the sheets.

Preheat your heat source, I’m using an EasyPress (see the manual of your heat press for the recommended heat and time). Use butcher paper to protect your heat source from the infusible ink. The heat can also cause the ink to end up on your heat source! So use butcher paper! NOTE: Do not move your heat source after you’ve placed it on top of the wood.
Once completed remove the butcher paper. Let coasters cool for 1-2 minutes before peeling the backing, and now you’re all set!

Comment below or on our Facebook group if you have any questions.
Happy crafting,

Affiliate Disclosure: I may be an affiliate for some products recommended in this post. This means that if you purchase items through my links I will earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products that I have personally used and enjoy and when you order through my link, it helps me continue to offer you weekly free SVG files, digital papers, scrapbook sketches, tutorials, and other fun things. Thank you in advance for your support!