Hello, friends! It’s Nancy here with you today!
I’m going to share how I use Printable Cuttable Creatables’ files,
along with Cricut Design Space, how to make a shaped card!
I’ve got lots of photos for you, as I took some screen shots along the way.
I have used:
Here’s my card:

I think shaped cards are so much fun to make.
I began by choosing my shape…in this case, it was the fun hive.
I imported it into Cricut Design Space, as both a print-then-cut file, and a cut file.

Here I have changed the color of the cut file to the cardstock color I will use.
Since my hive is sized to 5.5″ tall, I sized the shape to 5.75″ tall.

I then move the hive out of the way and duplicate the shape.
One is the front of the card, and the other is the back of the card.
Just in case the shape is not totally symmetrical, I give it a flip.
This ensures that the edges of the card will match perfectly when folded.

Individually, each of these files would make a great project.
However, they really work beautifully when all combined on the same page!

I then position the shapes so they are just touching at the top,
where I want them to be hinged.

I then highlight both shapes and click on “Combine”.
You’ll find this in the bottom right corner.
I list of options pop up, and I choose “Weld”.

…and just like that the pieces are connected.
Simply score the hinge, and you have a really fun-shaped card!

All the other elements I used were done with the “print then cut” option.
Once they were cut, I inked the edges and adhered them to the card base.

To finish things off, I added some glitter glue to the bee wings,
and a little drop to the antennae.

I then added another printed and cut element to the inside of the card!

It’s so easy to make fun-shaped cards using these simple steps.
Take a look through the shop and see what inspires you to make one!
Have fun!
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Printable Cuttable Creatable Products Used:
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Thanks for stopping by today!
I’ll be back soon with another fun project!
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The Nickel Nook

Affiliate Disclosure: I may be an affiliate for some products recommended in this post. This means that if you purchase items through my links I will earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products that I have personally used and enjoy and when you order through my link, it helps me continue to offer you weekly free SVG files, digital papers, scrapbook sketches, tutorials, and other fun things. Thank you in advance for your support! ///