Hello everyone!! It’s Ellen here, one of the new design team members. Today is my first blog post here on the website. To celebrate that, I thought it would be fun to show you something festive; a Pretty Llama HTV Birthday Banner.
When I start, I think about a theme and all elements that go with it. My theme started with the llama illustrations, which immediately gave me the idea that I should use cacti and confetti. The flowers are a nice addition, but also fit in with the feminine theme.
So here I’ll be sharing the banner featuring a lot of fun illustrations from Printable Cuttable Creatables (PCC) – Sweet Sunflowers, Potted Cactus Trio, Cute Llama, Spring Flowers Llama, the Cute Autumn Acorns, and Party Time. All these illustrations are just perfect for a celebration.

The second step is writing the text “Milena is Jarig” (that’s in Dutch “Milena is having her Birthday”). Then I start building the rest of the banner by positioning all elements, normally I start with the bigger elements and go from there. As the last step, I change colors. I like to not use too many different colors, especially to make it look more cohesive.

On the first flag, you can see one of the cacti. These flowers on top of it were added by using flowers from one of the other illustrations in the cut file (Potted Cactus Trio).

On the next few flags, I added the name and attached elements, like confetti, the llama, and flowers on top of a few letters to make the banner extra cute.

It’s good to use some bigger elements on letters that are easy to read like the “I” and smaller ones on other letters. This ensures it’s not too busy to read the whole sentiment on the banner.

When you start to cut things out, it’s important to count how many flags are in your banner. Because of spacing I did put the word “IS” on one flag instead of using two flags. I also used the bow from the “Cute Autumn Acorns” set, on the I.

The last word is “jarig” (which means Birthday in Dutch). On these flags, I made sure some elements were coming back, again to give that cohesive feeling.

The elements (confetti, flowers,…) are coming back, but I also make sure for example that all flower illustrations are not next to each other. This ensures it’s spaced out nicely.

The last item on this banner is the cute Llama from the “Cute Llama” SVG File & Clipart.
I hope I have inspired you with my first blog post! This post is made to give you some inspiration on how you can use different images together. I didn’t go into too much detail. If you have any questions feel free to ask (here on the blog, in our Facebook Group, or on Instagram)!
Crafty Ellen H

Affiliate Disclosure: I may be an affiliate for some products recommended in this post. This means that if you purchase items through my links I will earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products that I have personally used and enjoy and when you order through my link, it helps me continue to offer you weekly free SVG files, digital papers, scrapbook sketches, tutorials, and other fun things. Thank you in advance for your support!