Hello everyone, I, Ellen, bring you another lot of fun inspiration for a space birthday party.
I used a lot of fun new SVG files, such as the Spaceship Rocket, Sun, Earth, and Moon, Planets, Alien, Comet, and the free Stay Weird Alien SVG.

All the items I’m showing today are made with vinyl (you stick the artwork layer by layer on the objects). Of course, you can also make stickers from the illustrations and use them to decorate everything. If it is a big party, this last method can save a lot of work!

But of course, it’s not a party without a cake topper!

But of course, it’s not a party without a cake topper!

I decorated a badge instead of a crown. The button actually had a smiley, but of course, I could hide the smiley with the globe.

Here, you can see everything together again. I love the end results—they look like magic.
How are you planning to add a little magic to your next birthday party?

Affiliate Disclosure: I may be an affiliate for some products recommended in this post. This means that if you purchase items through my links I will earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products that I have personally used and enjoy and when you order through my link, it helps me continue to offer you weekly free SVG files, digital papers, scrapbook sketches, tutorials, and other fun things. Thank you in advance for your support!